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Definitely calming and soothing. Quickly cools and reduces extreme emotions like anxiety, panic attacks and rage. Wearing Howlite also absorbs and anger directed at you! It eases a critical, selfish and rude personality and encourages subtlety and tact (so it could make a great gift for these types of people in your life  ). Helps to calm an overactive mind to allow you to go to sleep or settle into deep meditation.

Howlite spiritual properties also increases patience and determination, so if you’re feeling like your efforts aren’t going anywhere, it helps keeps you moving forward. This stone enhances reasoning and careful consideration. Coupled with its ability to calm emotions, it enables you to have rational, productive conversations about difficult topics.

Howlite stokes the flames of ambition, but in a slow burning intensity. It provides motivation to achieve goals and dissolves any hesitation standing in our way.

Mantra : “I am calm. I let go. I can continue forward on my Path.”


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